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Praying for the Election of the Roman Pontiff

March 11, 2013

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St. Peter bronze - Cambio
Nothing is more important right now for Catholics and for the world than electing a holy and capable man to the throne of Peter. He will either be a light in the darkness as many of his predecessors, or he will help advance the darkness through ineptness or languor in dealing with the challenges of our times both ecclesiastical and political. Our responsibility as members of the Body of Christ is to pray, do penance, and sacrifice so that the Cardinals in the conclave will elect a worthy successor to St. Peter.

Personally, I’m distressed that in our diocese no Masses are being offered today or tomorrow in parishes or the cathedral for the election of the Roman Pontiff. In fact, none are scheduled for this purpose at all, although the bidding prayers on Sunday have included some intercessions. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, though, the one specifically for the election of the Pope, is the most powerful prayer we can offer and I believe we should be offering it in our diocese in solidarity with the Cardinal electors. Oh, well.

Father Mark Kirby, OSB, of Silverstream Abbey in Ireland has written a beautiful litany for the election with intercessions for every day of the week. Father George Byers at Holy Souls Hermitage has suggested praying the sequence from Pentecost Sunday, the Veni Sancte Spiritus, and the Emergency Chaplet of the Immaculate Conception for this election. Just click on the link to find them.

Although Rome is seven hours ahead of us, a friend and her daughter will be joining my husband and me late tomorrow morning at the small chapel in the cathedral to pray these prayers.  It won’t coincide with the voting time or the Mass time for the Cardinal electors, but at least we know we are helping intercede and God will listen.  No doubt many other Catholics will be doing similar things in their homes.

I’m mentioning these prayers so that others can use them, too, and be part of the world wide spiritual support for the Cardinal electors.

The bronze statue of St. Peter pictured in this post is in the Roman basilica and was made by Arnolfo di Cambia, c. 1300. I was a pilgrim who touched the worn right foot in 1998. Very humbling to be one of multitudes who over the centuries made their way to the Apostolic seat to venerate the simple fisherman Jesus left in charge of his flock, and to praise the Lord for giving us so many holy successors.  May the Lord bless us yet again now.

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V. Praised be Jesus Christ!

R. Now and forever!

(Click on the link above to read why I end my posts this way.)



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